Project Downtown Pullman eNewsletter for the week of July 22

PULLMAN, WA—The City of Pullman is requesting community input on the Project Downtown Pullman draft plan—the next phase in a multi-year City-led effort to reshape downtown Pullman’s streets and public spaces.

The draft plan, presented in digital story book form at, will introduce a series of impactful projects that all seek to cultivate community, experiences, and a stronger downtown economy. Through July 8, 2022, community members can review the plan and comment either digitally through the Project Downtown Pullman Story Book or in person at City Hall—190 SE Crestview Street, Building “A”—where a paper version of the story book and comment cards will be available.

The City of Pullman will consider all comments when making final decisions on the prioritization of projects for construction and subsequent allocation of the roughly $9 million in American Rescue Plan Act (APRA) funds.

The City Council approved a contract with Welch-Comer Engineers to conduct the first phase of the project, which included working with a Steering Committee to identify projects from the 2020 Downtown Master Plan that would be most impactful for downtown Pullman’s vitality. In late April, 45 property and business owners provided input about their neighborhood and how specific improvements could benefit the area.

The Pullman City Council will review the consulting team’s initial project prioritization recommendations during their Council meeting scheduled for June 28, 2022. The Council expects to make a final decision on which projects to move forward on August 9, 2022.

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